February 9, 2009 — Open For Business

Hey there everybody — Welcome to the official launch of www.joshuaizzo.com!  Glad you could make it and I hope you stick around and stay awhile.

Folks, this website has been in the making for a very long time.  Ever since I started goofing off on the internets, I’ve been an admirer of classy websites like my buddies Iron-Cow, Airmax and Swass Designs and have longed for a little internet real estate of my own.

There’s been a few starts and stops along the way, but I finally think it’s time to unleash all of my kooky content onto the unsuspecting world wide web!

Amongst the pages here at joshuaizzo.com you’ll find all sorts of entertaining things to check out instead of working, listening to your significant other or taking care of the kids.

There are a few pages of my illustration work, including a massive project called “They Might Be Illustrations” where I created illustrated version of thirty They Might Be Giants song lyrics.

I have a few pages where I showcase my professional consumer products work and my animation production experience.  I’ve been a lot of places and done a lot in my working career, and joshuaizzo.com will be a place to show off the results of all my hard work.

There’s also a few galleries that showcase all my hand-made custom action figures.  For a long time, a lot of these figures were posted in on-line galleries at Raving Toy Maniac and The Fwoosh, but now everything is under one proverbial roof for your viewing pleasure!

I think I’ve rambled on long enough, and I really want you guys to start checking out the site...but I wanted to take a minute to thank my beautiful wife Bridget and buddies Matt, Pierre, Steve, Steve and Gene for all your support in making joshuaizzo,com come to life.

Okay, that’s all for now gang.  Have fun looking through my site, and be sure to check back often - I have a LOT more stuff to add!

May 25, 2009 – Customs!  Videos!  Contests!  Update-A-Palooza!
Hey Kids!  I want to first thank everyone for stopping by, perusing the site and e-mailing their well wishes and congratulations on the launch.  I really appreciate all the support and I sincerely thank each and every person that is helping spread the gospel of joshuaizzo.com.
First off, I want all you cats and kittens to check out the OVER 30 NEW Custom Action figures on the site!  Peruse all the galleries HERE and as always, let me know what you think.
Secondly, I’ve dug up some pretty fun stuff that I’ve added to the Production section of the site.  Here’s some quick history on the two new videos I uploaded…

When I was working in the Hasbro Cake Mix Studios, we were tasked with creating some on-air commercials for the Tooth Tunes brand.  Some casting had been done and a voice over talent had been chosen, but it wasn’t jiving with the brand owners.  Being the ham that I am, I jumped in the booth and gave the script a read.  After some internal debating, it turned out that the powers-that-be liked my voice over work and I was ‘hired’.  I think I recorded at least a dozen different spots, but I’ve uploaded just one example.  These ran on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and some other kids’ networks as well. 
I also found one of my on-air skits that we created for the Hasbro-branded "Action Blast!" program that ran on G4 TV.  The basic concept was that there was a girl named Dr. Physics and she would speak to the actual working physics behind NERF weapons - it was actually a really clever concept.  They needed someone (that was on the Hasbro payroll) to be her loyal lab assistant.  AGAIN, being the ham that I am, I leapt into the yellow coveralls and Eggers was born.  Throughout maybe three or four skits I was abused endlessly, but it was an awesome experience.
Head on over to page two of the Production Section HERE and check out Eggers in the Library and my voice over talents in a rockin’ Tooth Tunes spot!
Finally, me and my pals over at The Fwoosh have put together something AWESOME!  I donated to them my Ra’s Al Ghul custom (check it here) as a giveaway to the customizing and action figure collecting community.  As a thank you, they put together an amazing interview with yours truly!  After you’ve checked out all the updates here on joshuaizzo.com head over to The Fwoosh and check out the interview and enter the giveaway!
So there you go!  I made it to update number two, and if you guys could take a look at the war zone that is my studio, update number three is not that far off!  Talk to you later gang!
July 11, 2011 — Holy Crapper!  An Update!!

Let’s keep it short and sweet!

I added some new Gotham City Mugshot illustrations HERE!

I added a mess of new customs!  Go on over to the Customs home page HERE and peruse the galleries.  There is new stuff in the Art Shows, DC Comics, Madman and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen galleries!

I’ve also added an all-new custom section - SCULPTURE - to showcase resin garage kits, original sculpts and the like.  Check it out HERE!

Hopefully it’ll be less than two years before I update again, and thanks again for stopping by and checking out the site! 

March 25, 2013 — BOOM!  The site is updated with COLOR!

It’s been almost one year since the last update and there have been some big changes in my life — New Job!  New House!  With all these changes, I decided to spruce up the site and add a pop of color!

I’ve made changes to almost every page & section of the site, so click around and revisit some of my ‘classic’ content.  Of course, I added ALL-NEW content, too!

There is a mess of updated professional work stuff to check out.  Head over to the Home Decor, Toy Development & Video Game Accessories galleries to see some of the stuff I’ve made in my long and storied career!

I’ve uploaded 2 new videos HERE to my ‘On Air’ portfolio.  These were produced by the fine folks at Sideshow Collectibles!  Super fun stuff!

I’ve also got some great new additions to the custom action figure galleries!  There’s new work in the DC Comics, Sculpture, Marvel Comics & League of Extraordinary Gentleman galleries!

Thanks for stopping by and I’d love to hear from you!

May 19, 2012 — An Update In UNDER A Year!?

How the heck do you like that!  Here’s the new news - 

I added a new Hellboy illustration to the Pop Culture Heroes gallery.  Check it out HERE.

As like usual, there are some HUGE updates in the custom action figure galleries.
Head over to the DC Comics, Fairytales, Hellboy, Indie Heroes, Madman,       League of Extraordinary Gentleman & Sculpture galleries to check them out!

Thanks again for stopping by!

All content ©2017 Joshua Izzo
All characters and related materials are trademark, copyright, and/or registered trademarks of their respective license holders and/or owners

There’s been a lot of amazing stuff that’s gone down over the past four years, but let’s get to the content, right?!

I’ve added some fun new illustrations - check out all the galleries HERE!

I’ve done a TON of new customs - check out the galleries HERE!

I updated the Production section with some really fun podcast videos I found! They’re from the 2007 San Diego Comic Con and I was doing a lot of on-camera work.  I even interviewed Stan Lee!!  Check it out HERE!

And I added an all-new custom category - VINTAGE - these are a lot of fun!  I have SO many more to add to the site soon (like, sooner than 4 years).

Thanks for stopping by and if you have any questions, or have comments - hit me up, I’d love to hear from you!
